Shura On Nexia Wellness, LLC


Alternative Medicine Practitioner

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  • New York, United States

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  • Years of Experience

    10+ Years

  • Languages I Can Speak


  • My Specializations

    Coaching, Integrative & Alternative Medicine, Reiki and Energy Healing, Spirituality

  • Accepting Clients Online

    All Countries

Conditions and Issues

Mental & Emotional Health, General Wellbeing, Mental & Emotional Health, Mental & Emotional Health, Life Success & Wellbeing, General Wellbeing, Relationships & Family, Healing & Support, Mental & Emotional Health, Life Success & Wellbeing, Healing & Support, Healing & Support

About Me

My gateway into cultivating and directing energy began when I studied several varied martial arts earning a 2nd degree black belt in tae kwon do.

Since 1995, I have immersed myself in energy healing and have studied Healing Touch, Reiki, Yan Xing Qigong and, most recently, Eden Energy Medicine, with gifted healer Donna Eden.

I am an Advanced Practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine and a certified instructor for the Energy Medicine Fundamentals course. I continue my energy healing studies with conscious channel, teacher and author, Ellen Meredith.

Because self-knowledge is an intrinsic part of helping others to heal themselves, an important aspect of my qualifications is my 4-year study with Turkish teacher and healer Levent Bolukbasi at the IM School of Healing Arts. This experience focused on developing self-awareness and healing my own psychological and energetic patterns that impeded my ability to be present and steady with others.

A life-long learner, I am also a student of sound therapist, Jane Shallberg, who directs the Arizona Sound & Music Therapy Institute where I study the ancient practice of Himalayan singing bowls.

I cannot wait to be your guide and help you discover your energies and serve as your partner on your personal journey toward greater wellbeing and balance.

Choose A Service

Sound Bath Healing (Service (without client sessions))



The use of vibration for relaxation and healing goes back to the Egyptians in their pyramids. There’s no need to be transported in space and time, however. Experience a Sound Bath with Shura right here in Ithaca and allow the vibrations of Himalayan singing bowls, drums and toning lead you into a state of deep relaxation, where sound frequencies slow down brain waves to a deeply restorative state, activating the body's system of self-healing.

During a sound bath session, I create a meditative experience for the client where they are bathed in different sound wavelengths. I follow my intuition and produce waves using my voice, drums, chimes and Himalayan singing bowls. Among the benefits are relaxation, an increased sense of wellbeing, expanded awareness, and access to inner visionary experiences. A sound bath is also another way to free energy blockages, similar to what occurs in an energy balancing session, but with less direction from me or the client.

The use of Tibetan Singing Bowls as a healing art dates back over 2,500 years, and comes from the Himalayan regions of Tibet, India and Nepal. This modality has been recently brought to the Western world, with techniques and methodology to support wellbeing. The bowls are made from an alloy of seven metals and are a type of bell that can be struck or rubbed to create sound waves. I place bowls on and around a client to facilitate outcomes including reduction of stress and anxiety, decreased pain, increased energy and alertness, decreased depression and improved sleep. Clients say that they feel simultaneously deeply relaxed and energized after a session.

Specializations and Conditions

General Wellbeing, Mental & Emotional Health, Reiki and Energy Healing

Energy Balancing (Service (without client sessions))



Our session begins with a conversation about what's going on for you physically, emotionally and energetically. In advance, you will have completed the attached intake form with highlights of your health and personal history that you are comfortable sharing. I'll ask you to rest fully clothed on a massage table while I assess various energy flows and invite shifts to occur through movements of my hands, voice, crystals, drums and singing bowls. This modality honors the wisdom of your body and experience, so we can dialogue as much or as little as you like, throughout the session. At the end of the table work, we'll check back in and I'll share the highlights of what your energies revealed and any intuitions I received and recommendations for exercises to do to stabilize the shifts that occurred. I'll follow up within a day or two with written notes containing the same information.

Specializations and Conditions

Integrative & Alternative Medicine, Mental & Emotional Health, Spirituality

Template Clearing (Single Session)


  • 75 minutes (each session)

For all of us, challenging life experience and traumas can take root in our energy systems, causing imbalances that stay with us and impact how we interact with others and navigate our daily lives. For example, if you experienced food insecurity as a child, the belief that there is never enough may be held in your body, impacting how you experience abundance and scarcity. Clearing those imbalances brings your energy back into harmony, giving a fresh start with the issues in question. This is a 75 minute session that includes a written overview of the session and exercises to continue the work at home.

Specializations and Conditions

Coaching, General Wellbeing, Healing & Support, Life Success & Wellbeing, Mental & Emotional Health, Relationships & Family

Grid Repair (Service (without client sessions))



The most foundational energy that exists in the body is the Basic Grid. The Grid can become damaged as a result of shock or trauma. This may cause problems that reverberate throughout the person’s energy systems and physical structure. The sacred process of Grid Repair mends the disrupted grid and provides a newly stable foundation for the person, allowing them to adapt to the world in new and more positive ways. This is custom tailored session which can vary in the time needed to complete the repair. Most grid repair sessions are 90 mins.

Because you must be energetically sturdy in order to be ready for a grid repair, there are a number of specific balancing sessions that need to occur first. Usually, the possibility of a grid repair comes up after several sessions together and we work toward that, addressing each necessary component in. The actual grid session can take up to 3 hours or more and is often experienced as a deeply sacred time/time/event. Please wait to schedule a Grid Session until you've talked with Shura.

Teacher and healer, Donna Eden, sees the Basic Grid as an energetic infrastructure which forms the bedrock of all our energy systems. When that fundamental infrastructure is damaged by an intense emotional or physical trauma, other energetic balancing doesn’t hold over time and may distort our ability to thrive. When a grid is repaired, not only is your full energy is returned to you, but you may have experienced profound insights into your life and wellness.

Specializations and Conditions

Coaching, Healing & Support, Life Success & Wellbeing, Mental & Emotional Health

Regression Healing (Service (without client sessions))



This is a special, focused session where we will work in partnership to identify an unhealed wound from the past. Through the regression healing, disruptions in the energetic foundations of the psyche can be repaired, allowing you a greater sense of awareness and release in an effort to start feeling more like you again. A regression healing session allows a client to gently touch into a previous event or feeling that may have negatively shaped current energy patterns or beliefs. Balancing energies while the client is in touch with this past experience allows for healing and transformation creating space for the client to adapt to the world in new and more positive ways. Please wait to consult with Shura before scheduling your Regression session.

Specializations and Conditions

Coaching, Healing & Support

Qualifications (Credentials, Education and Experience)