Jana Carrey On Nexia Wellness, LLC

Jana Carrey

New Paradigm Therapy, Flower Medicine + Community

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  • California, United States

Rate Starting At

$333.00 / Per 60 Minutes

  • Years of Experience

    10+ Years

  • Languages I Can Speak


  • My Specializations

    Mental & Emotional Health, Spirituality

  • Accepting Clients Online

    All Countries

Conditions and Issues

Life Success & Wellbeing, Healing & Support, Life Success & Wellbeing, Healing & Support, Life Success & Wellbeing, Healing & Support, Life Success & Wellbeing, Healing & Support, Life Success & Wellbeing, Healing & Support

About Me

I had my first profound spiritual awakening at 19.
It happened the day my family lost my brother, Chris, to osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer that had metastasized to his lungs.

He was 16 when he died and such a bright light. He was one of my soul mates and best friends; then, suddenly, he was gone. Watching him — a healthy, brilliant, funny young man — succumb to terminal cancer broke my heart into a million fragments… and yet, it broke me wide open to Spirit.

I had always been a sensitive, empathic child, but I had shut my gifts down because it was terrifying to be that psychic and wide open without the emotional intelligence to understand the complexity of what I could perceive.

I was with Chris when he died. As he left his body, I could track his Soul in the room. I viscerally knew from that experience that when we die, we live on. And that forever changed me.

This began me on a profound spiritual journey that has included many mystical awakenings as my psychic gifts have come back online.

My deep love for Chris was the motivation I needed to open back up to Source Consciousness. Chris was my spirit guide “training wheels;” knowing his energy in human form helped me to identify him in spirit form. I learned to communicate with him on the other side in ways that were humorous and healing to my grieving heart.

Over many years, I grew into who I am now: a crystal-clear channel who can communicate with ancestors, Archangels, Ascended Masters, plant spirits and other loving guides across dimensions.

It happened one guide and dimension at a time so that I could learn to grasp their unique frequencies. The years-long process was necessary to upgrade my nervous system to handle energy coming from 5D and beyond.

Throughout it all, I was only ever given what the Goddess knew I could truly handle, even when I was exhausted by all that was being asked of me and I worried the intensity of my ascension path would never end.

My wise soul knew I could benefit from womb-clearing support, especially to heal the effects of date rape and emotional abuse, which manifested as repressed rage, poor boundaries and low self-worth. The biggest gift flower essence medicine gave me was helping me finally feel safe and at home in my body.

After witnessing the miraculous healing of flower essence therapy in my life, I was inspired to train with a number of brilliant herbalists and flower essence practitioners.

Flash forward to today, and flower essence medicine has become a cornerstone of my healing practice.

In 2017, I left a doctorate program in Clinical Psychology and began Jana Carrey Healing. I made the choice to follow my highest wisdom to mentor and guide beautiful souls like you during this intense time of global ascension.

My intention is to lead by example, to serve as a perfectly imperfect model for what living in alignment with your soul looks like. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns, but it’s deeply fulfilling. I am here to help you also live from your soul and lead from love.

Choose A Service

Quantum Energy Healing Session (Single Session)


  • 60 minutes (each session)

During a session, I will work directly with Source Consciousness through the quantum energy field on your behalf. All you need to do is show up willing to receive. In preparation for and throughout our session, I will connect joyfully with your Higher Self and your personal team of Spirit Guides. I will also connect with my Council of Light Spirit Guides and channel their guidance to give you crystal clarity around your burning questions. This can cover everything from esoteric topics — such as past lives and life purpose — to practical decisions — such as where to move or whether to end a relationship.

As I am guided, I will also open the Akashic records to assist you in clearing and healing past-life and early-childhood traumas that are negatively impacting you. The unique way that I transmit intuitive guidance and quantum energy healing will allow you to feel as relaxed as if you were chatting with a soul sister, all while receiving laser-focused upgrades to your DNA, body and being.

During the session you can move in any direction that feels right to you. You, your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides will be an active part of the healing process. At the end, you will feel more empowered to trust your own intuition and to take inspired action in your life.

Specializations and Conditions

Healing & Support, Life Success & Wellbeing, Spirituality

Quantum Energy Healing Session (Single Session)


  • 90 minutes (each session)

During a session, I will work directly with Source Consciousness through the quantum energy field on your behalf. All you need to do is show up willing to receive. In preparation for and throughout our session, I will connect joyfully with your Higher Self and your personal team of Spirit Guides. I will also connect with my Council of Light Spirit Guides and channel their guidance to give you crystal clarity around your burning questions. This can cover everything from esoteric topics — such as past lives and life purpose — to practical decisions — such as where to move or whether to end a relationship.

As I am guided, I will also open the Akashic records to assist you in clearing and healing past-life and early-childhood traumas that are negatively impacting you. The unique way that I transmit intuitive guidance and quantum energy healing will allow you to feel as relaxed as if you were chatting with a soul sister, all while receiving laser-focused upgrades to your DNA, body and being.

During the session you can move in any direction that feels right to you. You, your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides will be an active part of the healing process. At the end, you will feel more empowered to trust your own intuition and to take inspired action in your life.

Specializations and Conditions

Healing & Support, Life Success & Wellbeing, Spirituality

Flower Essence Therapy Session (Single Session)


  • 60 minutes (each session)

Flower essences often need a full moon cycle (month) for the subtle energies to work with your awareness and intention, and the effects of this gentle medicine greatly compound over time.
After your first session, I trust you will love the life-enhancing effects of flower essence therapy. Next time, I invite you to go deeper in my three-month Flower Medicine Journey for deeper and longer-lasting healing support.
· A combination of quantum intuitive healing + flower essence therapy, available in 60- or 90-minute sessions
· My expertise as a Master Intuitive Healer + licensed and certified Flower Essence Therapist
· One custom-blended, 1-oz flower essence formula
· You can receive an audio and video recording of your session at no additional cost
· Shipping + Handling (domestic USA only)
· Priority + International Shipping is a small additional fee*

Specializations and Conditions

Healing & Support, Life Success & Wellbeing, Mental & Emotional Health, Spirituality

Flower Essence Therapy Session (Single Session)


  • 90 minutes (each session)

Flower essences often need a full moon cycle (month) for the subtle energies to work with your awareness and intention, and the effects of this gentle medicine greatly compound over time.
After your first session, I trust you will love the life-enhancing effects of flower essence therapy. Next time, I invite you to go deeper in my three-month Flower Medicine Journey for deeper and longer-lasting healing support.
· A combination of quantum intuitive healing + flower essence therapy, available in 60- or 90-minute sessions
· My expertise as a Master Intuitive Healer + licensed and certified Flower Essence Therapist
· One custom-blended, 1-oz flower essence formula
· You can receive an audio and video recording of your session at no additional cost
· Shipping + Handling (domestic USA only)
· Priority + International Shipping is a small additional fee*

Specializations and Conditions

Healing & Support, Life Success & Wellbeing, Spirituality

Flower Medicine Journey (Service (without client sessions))



During this three-month journey, we will focus on the patterns, imbalances, illnesses and conditions that are most of concern to you — be they emotional, mental, physical or spiritual.
We will meet for monthly healing sessions that weave in quantum energy medicine, therapeutic counsel and intuitively channeled guidance. You will then continue your healing and integration between sessions by taking your customized flower essence formulas.

· Three 90-minute sessions

· Email support from me between sessions, up to four therapeutic (nonadministrative) messages total.

· Three custom-blended, 1-oz flower essence formulas

· BONUS 1-oz combination essence formula

· My expertise as a Master Intuitive Channel, Quantum Energy Healer + licensed and certified Flower Essence Therapist

· Shipping + Handling (domestic USA only)

· You can receive an audio and video recording of your session at no additional cost

· Being held in a three-month compassionate, therapeutic container

Specializations and Conditions

Healing & Support, Life Success & Wellbeing, Mental & Emotional Health, Spirituality

Qualifications (Credentials, Education and Experience)