Angela Petrella Soul & Mind Life Coach On Nexia Wellness, LLC

Angela Petrella Soul & Mind Life Coach

Online Life Coach

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    5 ( 2 Reviews )

  • Royal Borough of Greenwich, United Kingdom

Rate Starting At

$60.00 / Per 60 Minutes

  • Years of Experience

    1 Years

  • Languages I Can Speak


  • My Specializations

  • Accepting Clients Online

    All Countries

Conditions and Issues

Life Success & Wellbeing, General Wellbeing, Personal Life Goals, Healing & Support, Loss or Grief, Life Changes, Life Success & Wellbeing, General Wellbeing, Personal Life Goals, Life Changes, Personal Life Goals, Entrepreneurship & Business, Career Goals, Mental & Emotional Health, Stress and Anxiety, Life Success & Wellbeing, General Wellbeing, Personal Life Goals, Relationships & Family, Healing & Support, Loss or Grief, Life Changes

About Me

My name is Angela, I’ve recently started a coaching start-up named Angela Petrella soul and mind life coach born with 10 years of professional experience with a background in Management, HR, Recruitment, and Life Coaching areas.

These past years of high-level background, are now reflected in the ability to understand the human psyche very deeply, read its emotions, and feel its hidden potentialities.

The idea behind my Coaching service is to show what I have understood from life, and teach what has worked for me if you want to simplify your life helping you to transform your obstacles into opportunities thus awakening the power of the deep and authentic soul. I love to empower, inspire, and support people on their journey to overcome challenges to reach their true potential and ultimate purpose.

Growing up, I always felt that something inside me called me to help others. I constantly felt that I was destined for something great in life, so Soul & Mind Life Coach Services was born as an expression of the soul and a passion project.

All my life, I have met people who pushed me to change and ignore the call in my heart to be sensitive to the needs of others. So many people believed that my sensitivity was a weakness, making me feel like an outsider and unable to be as successful as everyone else unless I changed.

When I started working on myself, I recognized these weaknesses as strengths, and I discovered the vehicle by which I would help others, so I'd love to give you the motivation to proceed forward towards your goals, the opportunity to work on your assertiveness and increase your emotional intelligence.

Clients come to me from all walks of life, and you too like them after completing coaching through my sessions, you leave with a greater awareness of your goals, your situation, and more resiliency to handle life’s challenges. I can give you the foundation and support needed to tap into your power and your uniqueness.

I had to face several tough challenges, but these crucial ventures and personal experiences help me become a Life Coach at 360 degrees, with a strong empathy for understanding others. With life and all its challenges, I continue to grow through the seasons and hope to inspire and work with others to help them achieve their growth in this lifetime. The saying, “what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger,” is one that I believe in and one that I have lived. As a Life Coach, I can hold your hands, encourage you, and give you the strength to soar as high as their desire to achieve their wildest dreams.

All my sorrow now has turned into beautiful flowers, creating a garden of prosperity born out of perspective. Let me help you to do the same.

Let’s start this path together!

Take action now :)

Choose A Service

one to one coaching (Package of Sessions)


  • Number of sessions (5)

  • 60 minutes (each session)

Sessions focus on results and personal growth, where my priority will be you. Empowering you to set goals and establish responsibility for personal and professional success, set up plans to follow, and track achievements and new habits: these are my goals. New thoughts and mindset will take shape in your life, leaving you happy and free without the heavy and old baggage you used to carry around. Working together towards your achievements is the only thing that matters to me, because your success will be my success, and your challenges will be mine too. One to One Coaching will support you regardless of the challenges you are facing right now. Through my own experiences, I have realised that each of us can be in a distinct stage of our life where needs, plans, and paths are different, and I will be more than honoured to guide you towards a new yourself, standing side by side even for a short period. You can decide to enroll in my specific programme, Path Towards Change, or happily do a single session. The only thing that matters is to bring out the best of you in every area of your life.
Improve personal growth
Achieve positive habits
Build self-confidence
Deal with anxiety
Empower self-talk
Improve relationship communication
Discover clarity and purpose
Set goals

Specializations and Conditions

General Wellbeing, Healing & Support, Life Changes, Life Success & Wellbeing, Loss or Grief, Personal Life Goals

Mentoring (Package of Sessions)


  • Number of sessions (5)

  • 60 minutes (each session)

f you are seeking more clarity, Mentoring is your answer. What is a Mentor? According to the Odyssey, Mentor was a friend of Odysseus, and when he left for the Trojan war, he trusted Mentor in guiding his son Telemachus to his future role as a king. Mentor was actually the goddess Athena who took the form of guardian, protector, and teacher while helping Telemachus learn his position as king in the Odysseus’ Palace. Like Athena, I will put my life and professional experience at your service. In our sessions, I will guide you towards the right path according to your needs and values. During this journey, I will help you recognise and identify your weaknesses and strengths, and apply them in real life. I will stand by your side at each stage while motivating and inspiring you, writing the visual board of your life. Let’s climb the mountain you always feared, and together we will reach its beautiful peak.
Turn weaknesses into strengths
Reach full potential
Emotional support
Face fears
Develop awareness
Increased job and life satisfaction
Define personality
Gain new a different perspective

Specializations and Conditions

General Wellbeing, Life Changes, Life Success & Wellbeing, Personal Life Goals

Corporate executive coaching (Package of Sessions)


  • Number of sessions (5)

  • 60 minutes (each session)

The Corporate Coaching service will focus on supporting you, this time as an employee, part of a team, or as an individual. The central objective is to improve your work-related performance by maximising your skills in harmony with the values, vision, and mission of the company, bringing a positive impact to the entire organisation. The experience as a Manager and the work in Human Resources have provided me with a general overview of how people, regardless of their role or circumstances, can improve their performance through an appropriate process. Greater awareness of one’s talents, combined with consolidated leadership skills and effective communication, is the secret to success. Once worked on strengthening these skills, they can then be used not only in the workplace but also in everyday life, thus speaking of a series of important benefits that embrace all areas of life. Corporate Coaching’s session aims toward developing and improving emotional intelligence, where feelings and exploration of emotions are the protagonists. Identifying them is the key to personal growth while remaining motivated and determined to follow your goals despite the challenges that arise along the path of life.

What are the results? More satisfying and successful social and working relationships, interpersonal improvements at all levels (colleagues, managers, teams, customers, etc.), strong self-confidence, improvement in managing time management, creation of a peaceful and stimulating working environment, higher control of tension and stress, and negotiation skills will be consolidated.
Boost leadership skills
Become motivated
Better decision making
Determine career goals
Deal with stress
Develop assertiveness
Emotion management
Develop emotional intelligence

Specializations and Conditions

Career Goals, Entrepreneurship & Business, Personal Life Goals

Adoption Coaching (Package of Sessions)


  • Number of sessions (4)

  • 60 minutes (each session)

This event has marked my existence forever, alternating moments of deep despair with moments of joy for my new life. I witnessed the difficulty of my parents to relate to me and me to them, and I am profoundly convinced that with the proper psychological or coaching support, both in pre-adoption and post-adoption, many pains and breakdowns would have been avoided over the years. My parents and I would have had a more serene path and greater clarity in the direction to take. I would have lived the event of adoption less dramatically, without finding myself asking so many questions to which I had no answer, without feeling the sense of abandonment, like a dress sewn on that I could not change.
Adoption is a beautiful thing. I can certainly compare it to a pregnancy, made of dreams, expectations, sacrifices, enthusiasm for a new life that will come. Your heart and veins will be crossed by pure love for a strongly desired child, who will take a special place in your heart forever. Adoption can be compared to a beautiful rose that has its thorns, where the thorns are the difficulties encountered pre and after this path, but with the proper support and guidance, you will live this new adventure in harmony and balance. Using my personal experience and studies, I will guide you on this beautiful journey made of love, preparing you for adoption in the most peaceful way possible and helping your little ones deal with the adoption event less dramatically, because what matters is their serenity. We often hear about adoption and the beautiful meaning that this gesture assumes, but sometimes, too little is said, or too little attention is paid to the children who are involved in this process. It is crucial to understand that childhood is a delicate phase, and if children are not guided, helped, and understood, they will only be marked by many scars in their souls, generating insecurity, insufficient self-confidence, and finding difficulties to love and be loved.
Pre and post-adoption support
Boost awareness
Avoid breakdowns
Find balance in life
Improve parenting skills
Learn to express feelings
Remove limiting beliefs and behaviours
Turn suffering into love
Increase self-assurance
Boost inner strength
Determine long-lasting life goals
Embrace new healthy attitudes

Specializations and Conditions

General Wellbeing, Healing & Support, Life Changes, Life Success & Wellbeing, Loss or Grief, Mental & Emotional Health, Personal Life Goals, Relationships & Family, Stress and Anxiety
