Group ClassDeath & Dying Through the Eyes of a Psychic Medium On Nexia Wellness, LLC
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Death & Dying Through the Eyes of a Psychic Medium

Class Description

Discussing the most common questions about death, dying and the afterlife.
*** Please allow 12 - 24 hours for the video link to be sent to the email registered to your name.

More About The Provider

The way you feel emotionally and what you feel physically are always connected. One mirrors the other. The Mind Body Spirit Connection is very real indeed. My practice takes this into account to provide a deeper holistic healing through reiki, guided imagery, relaxation hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT/TFT and life coaching. I also encourage self-care. You can’t serve others from an empty vessel. If you are always giving of yourself, you soon run out of you!
My 40+ years of experience in healing includes working with clients of all ages coping with physical, emotional and trauma-based issues. Healing is my purpose. I work closely with healthcare providers, major medical centers and cancer centers worldwide as my therapies bring relief to those dealing with:
Cancer and side effects of chemo / radiation Chronic pain including back/neck pain, migraines, arthritis and MS Post-operative healing PTSD, Moral Injury, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia Sports injuries Peripheral neuropathy Fibromyalgia Balancing Chakras Meridians and Sensory Systems
I’m passionate about writing and am the author of “I’m Just Me,” “Relationships: Sink or Swim,” and “Emotions, Feelings & Mood”. I’m currently working on a new children's series with the first book “Sometimes.” All books are available on Amazon.
Healing is a beautiful gift that I have been blessed with. It’s my mission and an honor to help those in need of my services. If this is something you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact me and book your session today. Evening and weekend appointments are available
Coping with cancer (patients) Coping with cancer (family & caregivers) The art of being a caregiver PTSD v Moral Injury v Burnout – Or is it all 3 Are you in an abuse relationship Coping with chronic Illness Living the labels Self-Care is not selfish – its essential You are not a failure unless you fail to try Practicing forgiveness – for yourself and others

  • Type: On Demand
  • Price: $10.00

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